Friday, February 20, 2009

SuccessMaker student/class motivators

If you're not monitoring and/or rewarding your students for daily success, you may be missing out. We've had numerous schools see their student gains "take off like a rocket" after implementing some simple, but effective ideas.

Functioning level

Due to the pre-assessment, Initial Placement (IP) or Initial Placement Motion (IPM), that levels the software for every child to their highest functioning level, students should all be scoring above 70% for each session. If they're not, and it's not common, but something is awry and you should look further into the issue.

Student motivators

Since 70-80% is within reach for every student I would recommend giving them a piece candy for every time they score above 80%. I'd also suggest making some sort of a tally board for them to add one mark to for 80-89% and two marks for >90%. This would be for the class goal for something like a pizza party.

You may also want to create a board where each student could post their personal best score and have the ability to replace it when they beat it. Little steps, but HUGE motivators that slow them down and keeps them focused.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Motivational Video

Check out this new Kaplan Universiry commercial playing now. Very poignant for everyone, particularly educators.

Oh, and yes, that IS Uncle Phil from the Fresh Prince of Belair.

Waterford Early Learning Demo Site now LIVE!

We now have a great way for anyone interested (or your children or grandchildren) to view activities online for the Waterford Early Learning Program. The link is below.

If you'd like expanded VIP access, please click on "log-in" in the upper left corner and use my last name, Barrow, as the password and your email address.

This is sampling of the activities students see on the program and are not interactive, but they're still a lot of fun!


Welcome to the new Blog, "Teaching with technology-Michigan's K-12 instructional technology blog".

This blog is
targeted to the needs of Michigan educators who use Pearson Digital's instructional technology programs; SuccessMaker, The Waterford Early Learning Program or ELLis (English Language Learner Instructional Software). In addition to Pearson Digital product news, examples of Michigan school best practices, and other items to help you reach your goals you'll also find relevant links that illustrate why using technology to teach is so critical in education today. I hope that you enjoy the posts.

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